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ARCHITECTURE: Modern Apartments - Lofts and Studios
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Modern Apartments - Lofts and Studios

BT 201802 Archi01随着时代的转变,人们对居住空间的需求也在不断发生变化。更灵活的空间配置,充足的采光,以及空间的高效利用都成为现代年轻一代的住房需求。可以满足此类条件的公寓——Loft 与 Studio等户型正大受追捧。

LOFT在牛津词典上的解释是“在屋顶之下、存放东西的阁楼”。但现在所谓LOFT所指称的是那些“由旧工厂或旧仓库改造而成的,少有内墙隔断的高挑开敞空间” 是开敞式平面布置住宅,这个含义诞生于纽约SOHO区。LOFT的内涵是高大而敞开的空间,具有流动性、开发性、透明性、艺术性等特征!在二十世纪九十年代以后,LOFT成为一种席卷全球的艺术时尚,逐渐演化成为一种时尚的居住 与生活方式。这里有高大而开敞的空间,上下双层的复式结构,类似戏剧舞台效果的楼梯和横梁;流动性,户型内无障碍;透明性,减少私密程度;开放性,户型间全方位组合;艺术性,通常是业主自行决定所有风格和格局。所以LOFT的空间有非常大的灵活性,人们可以随心所欲地创造自己梦想中的家、梦想中的生活,丝毫不会被已有的机构或构件所制约。人们可以让空间完全敞开,也可以对其分割,从而使它蕴涵个性化的审美情趣。LOFT空间少梁无柱,具有超高利用率。高大的窗户使室内有充分的采光条件,工业外观也给了有个性需求的人们一种全新的居住体验。金属加混凝土的结构更增添了代入感。从此,粗糙的柱壁,灰暗的水泥地面,裸露的钢结构已经脱离了旧仓库的代名词,一间间其貌不扬的旧式厂房里,一股新的气息正在涌动,这就是LOFT生活。

Studio原意是指工作室,现指没有内墙隔断的开敞式平面布置住宅,也称为Studio Apartment 。它独门独户,进门后就是一个大房间,起居室,厨房,卧室都在一起,而且厨房一般就在饭厅里(即开放式厨房),形成了一个不分你我的大空间。这类空间的家具也多“一具多用”,沙发展开可以成为床,柜板放下来可以成为餐桌。很多家具都有多种用途,为住户提供了完美的理想生活方案。这种户型发源于六、七十年代的美国纽约,80年代迅速兴起,随着个性化浪潮的卷土重来,这个被西方艺术家称之为LOFT的新建筑形式,逐渐演化成为一种时尚的居住与生活方式。


BT 201802 Archi02Modern times call for modern homes, not only in interior design or architecture solutions, but also in the very typology of living spaces themselves. Among the leading principles of modern lifestyles of today are the Open Space Plan, large windows which fill the rooms with light, efficient use of space and reconversion of spaces which formerly had different functions.

Among the best known and most sought after of these new living spaces are Loft apartments. Generally the result of transforming old light industrial spaces to facilitate residential use, loft apartments have been very much appreciated by artists, and with time they have become mainstream due to the contemporary industrial vibe, spatial flexibility, generous space and level height, large windows and open space floor plan that they provide.

BT 201802 Archi03The versatility of interior design and functional connections in an open plan gave way to many different ways of organizing and decorating apartments. Usually large level heights can often accommodate another level upstairs, where the more private apartment can be, for example the bedroom, thus leaving the main floor completely free to be used as living space. Former industrial buildings transformed in this way have had for most part an industrial rational structure, showing off the materials, like metal and / or apparent structural concrete. This also gave way to industrial interior design used most of the time that entails working with these materials or contrasting them with colours or softer textures in specific areas.

The same structure previously had significantly large windows, or at the very least permits the use of such large frames. As a result, one of the most impressive features of these apartments is the wide view towards the exterior and natural lighting flooding the generous space. On the other hand, as loft apartments are usually located at the top floor of the building, the structural solution of the roof is mostly visible, which has been widely taken advantage of by architects and interior designers to create a very impressive industrial look, while also giving the possibility to accommodate different utilities or artistic features. Because of their generous floor plan, lofts lend themselves very well to be used by families.

BT 201802 Archi04All in all, the open space plan, generous and versatile space and contemporary design style have appealed to many people, especially in urban areas where such generous floor areas and heights can only rarely be found for residential use. So this solution quickly became a very positive one for new home owners and for the city. Moreover, because of the appeal this type of apartments has, there are many cases where new buildings have been built entirely from the ground up, only to recreate loft-style apartments! Although lacking the historical aspect of original loft apartments, they provide an industrial feeling, generous open space floor plan and large windows. Benefits of these new constructions are that they can be built using warmer modern finishes from the start, appeasing those who prefer comfort without having to invest in different local warm solutions to acquire industrial finishes of original lofts.

On the other section of the modern apartment spectrum are studios. Classically one room apartments, the modern interpretation puts focus on the open space principle combined with contemporary interior design to create a spacious modern atmosphere, while also making the most of the available floor area. Also, it is not uncommon for this type of apartments to have two rooms, which are usually open to each other nevertheless. Studios have requirements for bedroom, living and dining space generally merged into one big room, often with kitchen included in the same space.

BT 201802 Archi05The studio was always appealing for people because of the financial aspects, but nowadays more so because of the lifestyle of contemporary individuals. For at least a timespan, the studio can be a very good choice, with efficient open plan solutions ranging from creative furnishing to interior designs that give a surprisingly spacious feel to the studio.

In the first method, furniture can have multiple uses. The configuration of the space is adjustable for day or night time use, for example, the bed is hidden during the day in a vertical closet, giving space for a generous living room; the modulated furniture can be transformed or moved around creating different compositions for different uses, like cooking / relaxing / sleeping.

1 enjoyable design industrial loft apartment 16 industrial loft in tribeca with retractable glass roofOn the other hand, a well thought fixed design method can also induce a feeling of spaciousness, with colours, materials, light and the choice and number of furniture objects precisely controlled to enhance this effect. Typically, studios are destined for one person or a couple, which makes them a perfect solution till moving into a family sized home (like a loft apartment).

Thus, the atmosphere these creative designs convey is one of a modern and stylish apartment, compared to the low cost oriented designs available in the past. The well-known principle “less is more” is put to test space-wise in the studios, but very many design examples show that it can deliver amazing results.

So there you have it - two very different apartment types, the loft apartment and the studio, each with a unique character and for different personalities, moments in life or budgets, but each with wonderful possible results, each adjusted to contemporary lifestyles, bringing together some of the main principles of modern design, namely open space, atmosphere, individuality, innovative reuse and creative yet efficient use of space.

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